Sunday, July 25, 2010

July 1st, 2010

To the Bishop and the St. James Ward,


Thanks for all your help continually believing in me. Thanks for keeping me motivated and persevering. This has been so amazing!! Worth every sacrifice that I have made! I'll make you proud in fulfilling my potential.

St. James Ward,

Thanks for all your support and help! This truly is the best moments of mine the gospel! My testimony has shot through the roof and continually grows everyday. After the first week we had to make 3 street contacts then teach them the 1st lesson of the restoration. So as I went on about latter day prophets in Spanish I accidentally said that their serve a life sentence after they are chosen by God. Thankfully the investigator (which is a volunteer) is a return missionary and just laughed with us, especially after my companion try to save me by saying "ya its a really hard job!" It was a great lesson besides that. I know that this church is true and God loves everyone of you, he weeps when you are sad, and triumphs in joy when we are doing what is right. Don't forget he has been through it all and truly knows what you've been going through and how to help, just to remember to have patience when waiting for the answer. The lord knows all and works in mysterious ways, just be diligent and it will come. That is what I have learned most so far. Until next time brothers and sisters.

Elder Hunt

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