Monday, November 8, 2010

A Really Fast Week!

What a really fast week!! Changes are sneaking right up on us and i dont know if i am excited or nervous because more than likely i will have a new companion. My comp now Elder Arrieta finishes his mission in February so he definitely has his house in mind but we are still working hard and all is well. This week was really strange with the weather and now just a normal week. It rained one day and was dry the next! haha i love when it rains cause its nice and cool and i love the darkness of the clouds and how good it feels with a slight breeze in the mornings. But man is it horrible the day after when the sun burns off all the clouds and it is humid as i´ll get out!!! I got my dear elders and a letter this week from a kieth may.... i had to think and think who the heck that was and when i opened it it was our neighborhood news letter!!! I couldnt put it down!! i felt like mom while she was reading twilight!! haha i would really love to get them all because it makes me feel closer to home and i love to hear about everything and everyone in the neighborhood. So maybe they could keep sending them to me. If you could ask them that would be great!! i have read it like two or three times now.. haha even the food storage article!! haha This week we put a baptismal date with William. He is seventeen years old and used to live with his grandma. Well she died about two weeks ago so now he is alone in the house and really misses her. But we had a REALLY great lesson about the plan of salvation where i bore testimony about the power of prayer and how when grandpa sim passed away i was really sad. But the first thing that i did once i got back to the pension was kneeled myself in prayer for comfort in the plan that i would be with grandpa again. Sure enough the lord blessed me with an immense feeling of comfort!! I think that really helped william, and i was the one that put the date!! My first one that i have done and it felt great!! haha we have alot of work to do with him this week to prepare him for saturday so please prayer for us and him to be ready and that satan wont tempt him in anyway to change his mind about this decision. I would greatly appreciate it!!! So fun facts for the week that i always write down... The clotheslines here are actually barbwire!! Its a great invention, its dual purpose cause you dont need clips for the clothes and they put it low enough to severe your face if your not paying close enough attention. haha So i have one favor mom... I got a dear elder from you and you have said this before in other ones and it IS NOT TRUE AT ALL!!! your ARE NOT A FAILURE as a mother... You prepared me AMAZINGLY!!!! so my favor would be to accept that i was prepared great by the best mom in the world and you can feel at peace!! I LOVE YOU!!! So this week we had an all day of service! haha we started after study and cut down half a tree with only a machete... ya thats what they use here as a multipurpose tool! haha its great the technology here! haha after we finished that tree we got a call from another member that said hey can you hurry and run over to my house i need your help with a big tree we are cutting down. So we ran over there and this tree was easily 65 feet tall and the trunk was about 7-8 feet in diameter. Well they had it cut about half way through when we got they. They had tied a huge rope to the top because the way this bad boy was gonna fall was right on to their house and the neighbors! haha well as it fell we pulled and pulled haha luckily we won the battle! haha after we had lunch there and i had my first paraguayan pizza! all my comp could say was how could it was... well ya it was pretty much gross!! the sauce is more like liquified onions and a tiny bit of cheese and then tons of meat. After we went back to the pension to shower when we got a call from another member who needed our helping painting a house. So i painted my first house too. haha i have pictures i will send next week cause the computer i am on right now i cant use the USB to get them off my camera! This week we had a great ward night... usually the kids are just CRAZY!! but we decided we would put in a movie for them and that shut them right up. haha they were in heaven. So we found a new investigator this week named alexi.. ya its a guy and i guess he used to bat from both sides of the base ( that means he was gay, haha if you dont understand preston can explain it) anyways he was all talking about how the usa has polygamy and that his teacher at college tells them all about it and how the church excepts it and that it is legal. So as soon as he finished i said to him in a stern voice... and where does your professor live? oh ya and where do i live? haha well he shut up right after that and never said another thing about it. We were teaching him with some members in the ward that are his friends and when i said that they were all like oooohhhh haha it was way funny!! So as i walk i have totaly dejavu all the time that i am in california! haha i was laying in my comps hammack the other day and the weather was great ad we had the window open and i totally felt like i was on the beach with the sounds of seagulls and the window and the fresh air and just everything. haha another thing that i have thought about alot that i miss like crazy is going to fab freddys with dad during work to get drinks and talk soccer! haha i cant wait to do that again!!! Today we had to go to asuncion for my comp to sign and do things for when he leaves so that meant.... YES I GOT MY PACKAGES finally!! haha but i still havent opened them casue we came right here off the bus! haha i am SUPER STOKED THOUGH!! thanks soooooo much mom and kelsey lynn!!! I LOVE YOU!!! and thanks to anyone else who sent one! I will be in heaven once i get home to open them all!! So in my dear elders from cluadia she asked what i want for xmas... so here is the list....
xmas music!!!!!!!
pictures of everyone
a letter from everyone in the family including lisa doug chris jill kaden kathy and the davis´s
then there is a book that just came out called the Joseph smith papers!! i would LOVE THAT!!
other than that is everything... besides american candy and goodies of course!! haha and anything else that they can think of or want to send.
We have zone conference this friday and the area authority is coming!!! its like an all day thing and i am super stoked for my first one. then the week after that is changes. We really arent sure what will happen because any of us could really be changed so we will have too see. Since changes are next week that means we wont have pday on monday so i will email on that thursday. So this sunday i had one of the MOST AMAZING sunday meetings i have ever had. The spirit was SO STRONG and i bore a great testimony... there was a missionary here who finished his mission last week and was visiting this area with his parents. It made me think all about you guys and how it would be AMAZING TO have you and kels visit here with me one day! i would have such a blast with preston and hannah and ashton and maybe one day. Elections were this week and it was INSANE!!! a member told us that they saw on the news that a bunch of people got in a fight over different parites and one of the men got their ear cut off!!! well i am running outta time but i love you so much and i am so grateful for your concern and fasting for my feet. ITs only my left one and its when i make certain movements is when it really hurts but i am gonna be more careful and all will be fine i know the lord will bless me!
I LOVE YOU!!! Elder Hunt

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