Friday, July 30, 2010

To the Family:

Hey I got your package!!! Thanks for Everything!! :) It's exactly what I need and wanted! I will be writing you again today after this a long letter so I will keep this short... but its been a really good fast week and today we finally go to go to the temple!!! :) It was really nice but I love the celestial room in San Diego way more!!!! It made me wanna go back there so dang bad! Hwo everything at the house? Hows Preston? How can I help him? Hows Kels and the kids? I miss you guys! You prepared me better than ever for this just know that. I love you

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

FHE Lesson From Benetton July 22nd 2010


Today as class began we started out with a prayer and then started studying about hte importance of missioanry work amongst the members and the wards in which you belong. As we studied so many dy principles stuck out to me in how all of you can be missionaries on your own in every level of your life. Find the good in teh members and people of our neighborhood. Constantly seek out ways in which you can bring someone else closer to their Heavenly Father, it is through reachign others that we are edified. Next, "serch for service" as disciples of Christ we should be living this motto in every aspect of our lfie! As our Redemer and Savior once did upon the earth, always serve everyone. Think about the 12 apostles and how and why Christ washed their feet! Do not ever place yourself above one or another, we are all lowly and meek and need teh serice and help from our friends, family, ward, neighborhood and most importantly our Heavenly Father! Allow others to werve you, let go of your pride and give others the opportunity. Service is teh key to happiness! There is NO better way to bring the spirit back into your lives when you feel it is no longer there then through service.

I want all of you to experience that pure joy and happiness that I receive continually beach and every day through the restored gospel. Be charitable in all your thoughts and actions. Charity is setting yourself apart from teh world to show unto others the pure love of Christ that you hold, cherish and desire to share with everyone around you! NOW is the time to bring to pass the immortality of man and share the fulness of the gospel with the multitude of people who everyday and might plead with the lord for help, guidance and can answer to their prayers Promise me that you will be the answer! (read Alma 13:24 aloud ) it says...For behold angels are declaring it unot many at this time in our land; and this is for the purpose of perparing the hearts of the children of men to receive his word at the time of his coming in his glory... How much more can God plead unto us then sending angels upon us telling us NOW IS THE TIME! Fill yourselves with the word and the work and I promise unto you that the rest will be taken care of Do not worry what will happen, when it will happen, or where. Just prepare youselves now " DO NOT live with the regret of what might have been!" (Jefferey R. Holland In the Miracle of Emission) Show them the way, be the answer that the world needs.

Yo se que la iglesia es restaurado hoy entences wosotros podemos traer el verdad todos personas. Es muy muy importante es nosotros creemos, haber fe, y confianza en el senor con todos nuestos corazen! Te amo y este erangelio mas are todos cosas. Gracias por su efemplar en mi vida, usteds haber influenc Gado mi vida mas que usted imaginar. Te amo muchusimo! El evangelio es muy verdad! El evangelio y dios poder bendicir sus vidas con todos cosas. you amo este evangelio en el nombre de resucriso amen. (his handwriting is hard to read at times and because I don't know spanish its hard to know if I am spelling the words right. So for you that can speak spanish sorry if some words are wrong :/)

Translated as " I know that the church is restored today so we can bring the truth to everyone. its very very important that we believe have faith and trust in the lord with all our hearts. I love you and this gospel more than anything. Thank you for your examples in my life, you all have influenced my life more then you can imagine. I lvo eyou all sooooo much! The gospel is very true! the gospel and God can bless your lives with anything . I love this gospel in the name of Jesus Christ Amen

He then wrote individual letters to each of us

Mom and Dad,

I am relying ypon you to set this example and be teh guiding light for our family! This includes Kelsey an Jimmy! Dad now is the time to bring our family back into the gospel! I don't care who it is but promise me you will pick someone form your family and bring them back. The lord will soften their heart. Mom promise me to do the same I love you!


Now is the time fo ryou to make important decisions in your life! Prepare yourself in any way you can. in school and also most importantly spiritually. I know mission might not be the biggest ting on you rmind right now but I can understand. I was the same way at your point in life. Dont make the same mistake I did in not preapring soon enough. Be ready so when the time comes the decision will be easy. Learn to love the gospel in any way that you can and share your example with all your friends. The lord nees more missionaries like you in his work. I love you man!


I am so excited in teh decisions you have been making in sharing the gospel with others you now have a little taste of the joy of the gospel and bringing it unto others. Now I know times can be hard and you wonderf how you can find happiness again for the day. here is your answer! find the joy in the gospel, read Alma 26 and rejoice in the message in which it holds. The joy in life is the gospel, and I know as we continue to center our lives together around it we will be blessed. Continue to serve others and your family. Ther service taht you do for the missionaries might not be recognized but I know that they love having you and you bless their lives immensily! When thimes get hard just know that I am here that your family is there, but more importantly our Heavenly Father is here! when you feel down or sad... Read Alma 7:11 and D&C 121:7-9, then kneel in prayer and ask for the comfort you are in need of. our Savior can and will lift you up and answer your prayers. read this poem and you will know how... the Footprints poem... The the lord help you baby in any way yor time you need it. I Love you!!!


Continue to serve your fellow man. You may be home but I know that your heart still lies with your mission. Use the tools that have blessed you in your life and on your mission to continue to spread the word and teh love of this gospel. continue to choose the right and set teh example for your friends. Be the rock that they can cast their foundations upon. I love you man. Thanks for all your hlep an dexample gettin gme out here.


Help mom in any way you can. Show how much you lover her and how much you lover having each other to play with. Remeber the promise you made with baptism Ashton and set the example for hannah to do the same. I love and miss you.

Glory in the gospel "A tal Grande" which is to the what degree in spanish. In what we put in is what we got out. i love you all very much and thank you for your prayers. i can feel everyday. I cant wait to hear back form you. For next weeks FHE everyone write back to me on the status of everything I committed you to do

Love Always,

Your friend, your love, your sone, your brother Elder Hunt

Sunday, July 25, 2010

July 1st, 2010

To the Bishop and the St. James Ward,


Thanks for all your help continually believing in me. Thanks for keeping me motivated and persevering. This has been so amazing!! Worth every sacrifice that I have made! I'll make you proud in fulfilling my potential.

St. James Ward,

Thanks for all your support and help! This truly is the best moments of mine the gospel! My testimony has shot through the roof and continually grows everyday. After the first week we had to make 3 street contacts then teach them the 1st lesson of the restoration. So as I went on about latter day prophets in Spanish I accidentally said that their serve a life sentence after they are chosen by God. Thankfully the investigator (which is a volunteer) is a return missionary and just laughed with us, especially after my companion try to save me by saying "ya its a really hard job!" It was a great lesson besides that. I know that this church is true and God loves everyone of you, he weeps when you are sad, and triumphs in joy when we are doing what is right. Don't forget he has been through it all and truly knows what you've been going through and how to help, just to remember to have patience when waiting for the answer. The lord knows all and works in mysterious ways, just be diligent and it will come. That is what I have learned most so far. Until next time brothers and sisters.

Elder Hunt

July 16th, 2010

Dear Mom and Dad,

I hope that you got my email? I didn't have much time to write and Isaac emailed me and seems to kinda be struggling some how. Any ways did Preston get the job at 25th and main? I am praying for him and I know the lord will bless him as long as he asks for help from him and he will bless him. How is everything going with Conner living there? How is Hannah and Ashton doing now? Does he like my room and bed? Hows things going with Kelsey? I hear all the time how she loves coming over, but just hasn't had like any time and hates how busy she is with all the Wedding Stuff else going on. Has Jimmy come over at all? Do you think Preston is thinking about a mission at all? I know at this point its probably hopeless cause that's how I was at his age and time in his life! I will try to influence him as much as possible but its all up to him. I love and get all your letters. Thanks for all my packages and all the love that you send! I love you! You did great preparing for this, and I really mean that with all my heart! Laundry went great and I haven't had nay problems at all. I hope to hear form you soon. I will be praying a lot for Garett! Keep me posted on him!

L0ve, Elder Hunt

ps Will you search for a church poem for about a guy on his mission and how he hates tracting and hates wearing a helmet and knocking on doors and then he has a dream and talks with Christ about the atonement. Its a pretty long one. Thanks


Stopping to Smell the Roses

Missionaries gotta get entertainment somehow haha

I love this picture!

Elder McGee... This is Benetton's favorite Elder. They get along really well and have become really good friends! Classic Map Shot with a Elder Hunt Twist :)

His Companion Elder Nelson

Study Desk

We finally got our first set of pictures! Yippey :) Pictures take quite a long time to load on this program so I will only be putting the very best on. If you would like to see them all feel free to look at them on Facebook!! Either on Elder Hunts page, or on My (Kelseys) page :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

July 23rd email

A letter to Kelsey… Disregard all the spelling errors, I was going to change them but then it wouldn’t be his original letter! I figure it shows how fast he is trying to type!!

Well i just read your email... I was struggling alot at teh beginning of the week with feeling the spirit and just really being down and missing you alot!! thats like all i could think about was doiong things with you and cuddling you!!! But i will save all that good stuff for you letter that hopefully should be there when you get home... I only sent you one... but its cause its a gian collaberation of the whole entire week!! os its gonna be really long and i am putting my memory card in there from my camera so you can get all the pictures you want off there and then you can send back.. take all the time you need with it... my mom asked me for pictures so if you could share it with them... i wrote out a ltter for Family home evening and its for our family... that includes you and jimmy!! so monmday make sure that you can go over there that night and read it and experience it. i think its really good. I jsut got your postcards and there are so cute! you little poet! haha well it sure sounds like cali was a blast adn a good break from everytyhing!! i srue do miss you and cant wait for my letters back after you read the ones i have sent to you. I sure you get them with the holiday and all this weekend. Our mail room is closed tomorrow so i wont get mail till monday. :( but i cant wait to hear back from you! i sure hope that the memory card is ok?! I cant wait for another package from you... but baby i jsut love pictures and so you dont have to waste your money on tons of things cause i know you need all of it right now!! its cool to hear all your stories about your prayers being anwered! continue with it... as you know he WILL answer your prayers in due time! I cant wait to call you!! can you believe that its gonna be 5 weeks on wednesday?!?!?! each week seems to go by faster and faster for me!! Well i gotta email my mom... I love YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
To Mom…

Mom i got your letters and everything and a big letter is on the way for the family... all i ask for you to send in your next package is my retainer!!!! i need it way bad and cuold you have dad throw in a bunch of eye drops and some clear care for my companion?! thanks so much! this week has been had and an uphill battle but i was reading and the scriptures asnwered my prayers an changed my whole attitude!! the letter that is coming is long and for the whole family to read... but you cannot read it until monday night for family home evening... when everyone is there!! including jimmy and kelsey!!! promise me that! and promise oyu will follow my council. Thanks for the package and everything you do and did for me!! i love you! times out gotta go... Elder Hunt oh ps and my piano music in my white binders please!!!

We have received a few letters handwritten to the family. I will be posting them this week 

Friday, July 9, 2010

Letter #3

To the Family:

Sorry things have been so crazy busy... but i will get better at writing you i promise!! i just get so easily distracted here and then forget what i need to be doing like writing you letters. But this week went by super fast! I cant believe how time works here... Your up at 6:30 and its go go go for 16 hours straight and then you get about 30 min of time right before bed and then lights out at 1030. Then you do it all again. But the strange thing about it is that when i go to write in my journal i think to myself... Dang the days are just flying bye... and then i look at the date and think... are you kidding? i have only been here 2 weeks?!?! Everyone says thats how they feel. But we went to the TRC yesterday.. Which is the teaching center where they have volunteer investigators (that are members) come and we get to teach them the lessons. So first we start with a task and this week we had 2 door contacts and had to talk to them in spanish for 7 full minutes... We went well over on both doors. Then we went back to our first investigator and taught him the 1st lesson the restortation in english. It went really really good! My companion said that i blew him away with the way i taught and that my testimony at the end was amazingly spiritual, he felt taught himself!! :) so i felt good about our lesson we prepared. My companion is named elder larsen, and we get along really good!! we have lots of fun but keep each other in line and get the work done when we need too! He knows alot about the BOM and Bible, which i really dont and so he helps me with that, but his spanish is really strugglin so i help him with that! so its kind of a great yin/yang thing if you know what i mean! We are finally being able to hold pretty good conversations in spanish and we try to speak it as much as possible... its called SYL. Speak your language. So you say as much as you can and then when you dont know the word you say it in english and write it down then look it up later and practice it a few times. Hows everything goin? I loved your packages!! i sent bishop a letter.. did he read it in church at all? well my time is already up and so i will finish writing you more today!! I love you... thanks for everything!! i am great at laundry so dont worry about that! ttyl

To Kelsey:

Well thanks so much for the email babY!!! :) and yes its nice to see smiley faces! sometimes i wonder if your happy or just miserable all the time?!?! :/ i am sorry that i am putting you through all this. I just know that its gonna strengthen US so much for the better babe!! And when you serve yours i will be doing the exact some thing for you for ten months!! writing you as much as possible and trying to help you with any problems or things that you are struggling with! just like you do for me!! But sorry i emailed you back so early... we have a weird schedule for our P day today. It sucks because since we cant go to the temple we basically just have an extra 4 hours of study time... and thats the last thing that you wanna do on your p day is study more... you do that all week for at least 4-5 days or more... But sorry about the mail thing... The post office here closed for the whole weekend and monday and thats why my letter took so long but you should be getting another one soon and should be back on track next week!! i cant wait to here from you again honey!! ILOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) and will forever!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Letter #2

This one is short and sweet :) Must have been busy doing the lords work!!! He promised some pics soon so when we get some we will post them for sure!

ok i can talk to him when i see him. i have seen him like twice the whole entire time i have been here and i have always said hi. But i will talk to him and try to help him out. How is everything goin? I have got all your letters and packages and feel extremely loved! today is my p day so i am just emailing while i do my laundry. i think everything turned out ok? haha you just throw it all in there and put some soap in and hit start right? hahaha just kiddin. But everything is goin good. It is extremely hard and I would LOVE to come home but i just try to stay positive and make the best of it cause the mtc is really long and hard work and just tons and tons of studying especially with teh spanish which is goin pretty good i guess? our district is really sweet and we all get along great!! how is kels doin? man i have been thinkin about her alot and just trying to make sure she is ok and everything is ok? thats sweet about the movie! i bet that was way fun for you! did you like it? was it better than the others? I miss watichin moveis with her so much!! i would die to watch even half a movie right now! i cant wait to call from the airport and talk to all you guys!! hows the kdis and preston? did he get teh job at jimmy johns? eventually something will come for him! i was the same way dont you remember? i will pray for him!! keep prayin for me cause its hard long DAYS!!!! well i will write you more cause my time is running out. Love you! Elder Hunt